function: Improved getUserProp


 I found small bug in maxscript function"getUserProp",the bug hasn't fixed long time.(I found this bug even 3dsmax9.)
So I create original function like the following to cope the bug, I hope help you.

--function to check the text include only Number

fn isNumeral txt = (
 s= txt as string
 for i = 1 to s.count do(
  if(findString "0123456789" s[i]) == undefined then(
   return false
 return true

--function improved getUserProp
fn getUserProp2 obj =(
 local ss = (getUserPropBuffer obj) as stringStream
 if ss != undefined then(
  while (eof ss) != true do(
   local txt = readline ss 
   local arr = filterstring txt " = " 
   if arr[2] != undefined then( 
    if (arr[2] == "true") or (arr[2] == "false") or ((isNumeral arr[2]) == true ) then( 
     txt = arr[1] + "=" + arr[2]

     execute txt
     readline ss 
     arr[2] = "@\"" + arr[2]
     append arr[2] "\""
     txt = arr[1] + "=" + arr[2] 

     execute txt
     readline ss 
    txt = arr[1] + "=" + "\"\""

    execute txt
    readline ss 

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